Heal Mastitis Naturally

I’ve had mastitis several times since becoming a mom. A few of those times with fever and chills, the whole shebang. I would not wish it on any new mother.
Usually mastitis happens when we are trying to do too much or are pushing too hard. Maybe a few nights of not sleeping well plus a teething baby, or the first day back at work with pressure to get back to things as usual. Stress is usually the trigger and it’s often paired with irritability.

What are the First Signs of Mastitis?
Early signs of mastitis are not always easy to notice. Your breast might have a tender pink spot and your back, neck or hips might feel achy. Maybe you just feel super exhausted and you can’t quite get comfortable lying on your side because of breast sensitivity. If any of these things are happening to you, it’s best to act right away so that you don’t get full-blown mastitis with fever and chills.
If fever and chills do happen, don’t fret! There’s still a chance to heal naturally. You just need to have the right herbs and know what to do. I have not once needed to take antibiotics for mastitis, and I hope the same for you!
Don’t get me wrong, antibiotics definitely have their place, but if you don’t have to use them, you won’t have to deal with the toll they take on your gut and immune system. Antibiotics also increase the chances that you will end up with a recurring infection.

Four things you can do if you feel a breast infection coming on:
- Take an Epsom salt bath and soak for at least 30 minutes without interruption “doctor’s orders” hehe (but really).
- Breathe deeply with long exhales to stimulate the parasympathetic response, which will alleviate stress.
- Very softly massage and press into upper pectoral muscles and the center of your chest, then down and around your ribcage. The idea here is not to be vigorous or force anything. We just want to promote the free flow of energy in the chest. Usually this is enough and we don’t even need to massage the tender breast tissue directly.
- Order Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin from my online store to have on hand. This formula is a very effective alternative to antibiotics when taken consistently until the symptoms pass.
If you suffer from engorgement and an oversupply of milk, it can contribute to the development and recurrence of mastitis. Peppermint tea is very helpful in this circumstance as it will gently reduce milk supply. Peppermint leaves can also be applied topically for their cooling effect. Make sure you are staying well hydrated, wearing comfortable loose clothing, and take some Vitamin C for good measure.
This should save you a trip to the doctor for an antibiotic prescription, but don’t be foolish. If you get a fever that persists you should absolutely go right in to see your doctor.