The Wisdom of Chinese Medicine
Whether you are trying to conceive, in your pregnancy journey, or post-partum, my focus is on helping you to reach optimum health.
Join my mailing list today to receive a free handout on using acupressure to treat low back pain, and future tips and helpful information to support you in your journey of motherhood and beyond.

Heal Baby Reflux Naturally
Does your baby burp up milk after every feed? Do you feel worried that he or she isn’t even getting enough milk, or frustrated that all that liquid gold seems to just be coming back up?

New Baby and Your Toddler’s Making You Crazy?
If there’s a recent addition to your family and your toddler’s behavior is making you crazy, this one’s for you.

Trying to Conceive? Become a Fertile Vessel
Have you tried ALL the things and done everything right and still cannot conceive? If this is you, I feel you.

Feel at-home in Birth, Wherever You May Be
If this is your first time having a baby–Congratulations! And if you are an experienced mom hoping for a very different experience this time around, I’m here to help you, too.

Your Golden Month: Your Best Health Yet Postpartum
Did you know that in Chinese medicine we can actually improve our health postpartum? Our body is primed to heal after birth, it wants to be stronger and healthier than ever before!

Heal Mastitis Naturally
Usually mastitis happens when we are trying to do too much or are pushing too hard. Stress is usually the trigger and it’s often paired with irritability.

I was lucky enough to receive my first acupuncture treatment before starting college. During the treatment I experienced an emotional release that affirmed a direct connection between areas that felt tight and blocked in my body to emotions that were unresolved. Afterward I felt acupuncture had the potential to work on three or more levels at once: healing the body, mind & emotions together.
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